Meeting Minutes May
Staff gathered over the past couple of days to discuss changes to programming based on AHS restrictions.
Shared infographic: Our competitive team in person program cannot run. We can continue to do remote coaching and support our athletes with programming and consult.
Coaches will be supporting groups: Mike (Women’s Canoe), Graham (Men’s Kayak 15+), Ornmadee (Women’s Kayak 15+), Robin (Men’s Canoe 15+), Abigail (Under 15) virtually.
Club boats
- are part of the competitive fleet and are not available.
- 15-17 year old members cannot use CCC owned sprint boats
- 18+ members can use their own personal boats; required to go through booking app.
Recreational boats
- is still permitted: tin canoes, recreational kayaks. This can be continued using the booking app on the Calgary Canoe Club website.
- 15-17 year old members can use Recreational Boats
- 18+ members can use Recreational Boats; required to go through the booking app.
Personal boats
- 15-17 year old members can use their personal boats as it is NOT part of the CCC racing fleet; they are still required to use the booking app for tracing and crowd control purposes; this requires a parent permission form.
Does a parent permission form need to be signed each time an athlete books a time? No, once we have received parent permission we will compile a list of eligible athletes so that they may book a time moving forward.
Are there certain times when a person can book a time?
Our regular operating hours for the Spring:
Monday-Friday 4:00PM-8:30PM
Saturday-Sunday 9:00AM-5:00PM
If you forget please go here
We have discussed with coaches about creating extended hours where we could potentially open the canoe club for a block of time that is beyond the regular club operating hours. We would need to see the demand to create this block of time. Also a safety boat will be in water and cold water policy will be in effect.
These new procedures will expiry once the restrictions are lifted or will change so please keep your eye out for newsletters and emails.