How to stay informed

Please ensure that you have been receiving Malichimp group emails as this will be used to email everyone about upcoming parents meetings, casino volunteering, reminders about upcoming events and deposits due, final payments due, etc. 

Please subscribe here to Mailchimp and to see all past emails that have been sent out.

*If still not receiving Mailchimp emails please contact Kirsten at


Parent’s Meeting Purpose (these will be scheduled in email newsletters)

A place where parents can come and have clear communication with the coaches and managers on any upcoming events, fundraising, regattas, casinos, etc. Parents will have a chance to meet other parents. Parents will be informed on what coaches need help with in order to make events run smoothly. Parents will be able to volunteer in a number of ways throughout the season in order to support their athlete(s) at home and at away regattas.

Social Media links here:

Please like our Facebook page: Calgary Canoe Club

Please follow us on instagram : calgarycanoeclub


CCC Website

Basic info and announcements are posted on the CCC web page, please familiarize yourself and reach out if you need help.


WhatsApp groups for practice specifics from coaches and for paddlers to support each other.

How to get in contact with coaches or managers